Thursday, May 29, 2008

Noah's Card

I signed into another scrapbook group that I belong to and guess what I seen! Yes you guessed it Noah's birthday card that I did. It is the homepage picture of Scrappin_In_Ohio. This is so cool seeing my cards and pages and getting great comments from people!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Brag Book for Graduation

A couple of friends that Kyle knows from church are graduating so I made them a small gift.

Congratulations Laine and Angie!!

Birthday Cards 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Going outside the box

Ok! I am going to try and go outside the box. Another scrapper has made a scrapbook with a larger deck of playing cards. I am going to try it. Yesterday I got some subtraction flash cards at the dollar store. HUMMM what should I do.... 1. Trip to South Carolina 2. Growing Noah 3. Surprise!!! (When I am done you can see)

Symapthy card 2008

Sorry Mallori for the loss of your father!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Samantha's Birthday Card 2008

Hope she will like the birthday card that I made for her. Don't tell her yet her birthday is not for another few weeks.

Angie's Card 2008

Congratulations on the production of your play!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Teddy Bear with shirt

I also have a die cut of a Teddy Bear with shirt. 10 bears with shirt your color choice of the bear and shirts for $1.00.
Currently I have color choices of yellow or blue shirt and brown bears.

Rose Die Cuts

I have a rose die cut for my Ellison. If you want die cut roses you can choose any color and I will amke them. I will have 10 in a baggie for $1.00 already put together.

Right now I have red, yellow, pink and puprle ready to go!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Busy, Busy

I have not made to many cards these past few days. But I need to get started again I have quite a few to make for the first week of June and the rest of the month. When I think I have a moment someone needs a card, my dream is to make a bunch so when someone says I need.... I can say GOT IT!!!!

Military Cards

I am going to try and make more military cards with other branches of service on them. So far I have just done the Marines. So keep an eye out for them!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Post-it note pad with pen

(The backgound color is pink but looks purple in the picture)
Post-it Note pads with mini pen

Need a Gift?

Need a gift or have pictures that need to be displayed. I have posted on myspace a couple of my designs of displaying your pictures. Not what you are looking for let me know and I will design something special for your pictures!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

FOP Newsletter March 2007

Extreme Makeover Home Edition was in Whitehall, Ohio in November of 2006. I was lucky enough to be at the taping of the episode for the family. I also volunteered to make a scrapbook for the family and other city officials. Some of my pictures that I took were in the FOP Newsletter, the pictures that were in the newsletter were black and white. But I printed them out and put them on the newsletter to make it look nicer!

Mother's Day Cards 2008

The Mother's Day cards for both of the moms. Hopefully they will like them!